Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Family, Snow, & Wubba

Ciao everyone! February was a busy month for us here in the icebox...and for those of you watching the news, Fraser may have lost the "icebox of the nation" title due to some cold temps in Minnesota. It will always be the icebox to us though.

Beth's sister, Kelsey came to visit us after a huge snowstorm. It was so huge, that she ended up having to spend the night in Denver because the pass was closed for about 24 hours! Brian's family came to visit us about one week later, which brought more skiing and Rummikub tournaments.

Dudley keeps growing and growing. We weighed him about two weeks ago and he came in at 52 pounds. He has a new favorite toy called Wubba and he takes it with him everywhere.

Check out some pics from the past month:

Dudley in our snowy backyard

Our front door after Brian dug us out of the snowstorm

Dudley loves Kelsey!

Jessica cruising down the mountain

Paul showing off his tele skillz

Dudley & his "Wubba"